#Healing in #Hakone.

Happy New Year Everyone!

I hope you all kicked off 2016 beautifully and graciously!
I did and here is why!
I did a full day "#Healing in #Hakone" trip as I like to call it! =)

Every now and then we all need some Healing time right? 
I can't complain, my 2015 was a great year. I got to spend an amazing time in Brazil and Peru with my super mother, traveling around those 2 amazing and so culturally diverse countries. I spent 3 months in NYC, living my dream life, eating organic food 24/7, networking, performing and most importantly, recording and producing my first album #PopLife (out soon!). I shot 2 music videos back in Tokyo with a great team, did a bunch of shows, released my debut single and music video #PopLife, met amazing new people and I could go on and on... 
But, none of those came easily or without a big amount of stress, anxiety and exhaustion. 
I hassled my ass off in 2015 and by the end of it I was just extremely worn out! =(

Anyways, all is great again and I'm ready to kick some arses! 
Now, I would like to share with you my Hakone experience.

I hope you like it!

First stop, Hakone Open Air Museum.
Contemporary Art for everyone and a beautiful Picasso collection! =)

Hakone Ropeway had such a beautiful view of Mount Fuji and the Ashinoko Lake.
Best part of it, I got my own cable car! 

On my way to Moto Hakone by ship, cruising through the Ashinoko Lake.
Wind, Fresh Air and Peace.

And to end my #Healing in #Hakone trip, a chill end of afternoon Eating Japanese food, Praying at the Hakone Shrine and Loving some delicious desert and life.