The Brand New Heavies

Performances at Le Bain, The Standard High Line & Soho House New York.

Hi Everyone!  

I hope you all have been enjoying the summer as much as I am (if you are in the Northern Hemisphere)! This week marked exactly 4 months I've been adventuring myself in the city of "Angels", Los Angeles. A lot has happened throughout this journey; I've had the pleasure to meet some amazing new creatives and humans; I've made new friends for life and I have been performing around and growing my fan base, it's been beautiful!  
As I always say, good relationships are everything! =)

Speaking of relationships, two weeks ago, I was invited by my dear friends and music family, N'Dea Davenport and Katsuya Everywhere, both from Celectrixx, to guest perform with them in the super hyped Soho House New York.

Needless to say, I was extremely happy and flattered, so with not much hesitation I accepted the invitation and 3 days later I was flying to my "Spirit City", New York City!

Monday afternoon, I arrived in the chaotic, dirty and noisy Manhattan.
At first, I confess, I was so over the whole thing, I thought I wasn't gonna get into the groove anymore (coming from LA, imagine). Tho next morning I woke up with so much drive and passion, but above all, the hunger to make it big in life, a feeling I've got within since a young age, that every now and then, gets its flames almost off but suddenly wakes up again never letting it die.

Tuesday afternoon, after getting my NYC energy back, I got a call  from the one and only, Susanne Bartsch, the Queen of Club Kids and NYC nightlife. Susanne invited me for a sudden guest performance at my favorite club in town, Le Bain at The Standard, High Line for her super successful party On Top! 
The Performance was fantastic! I sang my first single #PopLife in my 70's leather disco ball suit! The crowd, including friends, guests, fans and club kids were so welcoming and excited, I had a blast! Check Below:

Continuing my one week NYC trip, I took the chance to see a few dear friends, have great dinners and even hang out at Central Park and watch Wood Allen's new movie before my highly anticipated performance at Soho House. =)

Friday, after finally meeting up with my pals N'Dea and Katsuya, we made it to Soho House for our 2 hour sound check and rehearsal. The ballroom was cool and the sound system pretty dope! The engineers and staff were very helpful and understanding of our needs. Later on, after a whole day of sweat, hard work and preparation, I had only one last thing before showtime: Choosing the perfect look!

The Show took place around 1am. Celectrixx killed it with their amazing set! As soon as they were done, I was finally introduced to the public by N'Dea to play my single #PopLife
What an honor!
Post show, I got together with my good old friends who came to homage me and decided that drinks and some chatting in the rooftop would be just right!

NYC was amazing as always and I had a fantastic time while back there. I can now finally say, New York is really my city and I cannot wait to be back! 
I would like to give a shoutout to my boys Rify Royalty and RESH for taking care of me while my stay! And to everyone else that made this one week trip so special and memorable, thank you so much! =)

I hope you enjoy the post!
Have a great week everyone!